◊ 20210515 Presentation materials for a HK Infrastructure tour to:
– New Tseung Kwan O tunnel at Tiu Keng Leng
– Review the development of the Yau Tong District
– Recent development of Kai Tak
◊ 20190507 Photo gallery by Raymond Wong showing the development of HK since 1970s. the video
◊ 20190327 近香港近年的大型填海及其他海事工程, Recent major Marine Works in Hong Kong
Recent marine works in Hong Kong
◊ 20181019 最近我受香港建築扎鐵商會邀請,為他們寫了一個紀錄特集,以照片為主紀錄香港近40多年來的建設發展變化,及他們扎鐵行業的一些工作寫照和特色。我用了差不多一個月時間完成,回看後也覺蠻有趣味,尤其是演繹較少人留意扎鐵工種的部分。見此,特意將這紀錄特集上載到我的网頁內,供行家及感興趣的人士作分享。特集因採用了近400張照片加上文字,所以編幅頗長,現分作四部分上載,請各位耐心觀賞。
香港建築扎鐵業發展史-第一部分; 香港建築扎鐵業發展史-第二部分;
香港建築扎鐵業發展史-第三部分; 香港建築扎鐵業發展史-第四部分
◊ review of the development of the Disneyland Theme park
20171217, development of Disneyland theme park
◊ An overview of various types of construction operations as an introduction to operatives involved in the construction related industries
• 20161029 Introduction about HK construction
Some major guidelines and technical documents related to the master planning and other construction and engineering control and standard