20240921 Presentation material for CPD Seminar delivered by Raymond Wong about “澳門歷史、文化、發展及特首選舉背景略談”
organized by 雋悅工作室 Record of the ZOOM presentation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7kJusKDG0c
20240612 Presentation material for CPD Seminar delivered by Raymond Wong about “Development history of the Macao CoTai Strip” organized by 澳門建築置業商會/HKIS/Chartered ICES Cotai strip development
20230223 Presentation material for CPD Seminar delivered by Raymond Wong about “An overview review of the construction of the Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tim Tunnel” organized by HKICW & ICWCI(HK)
Part 1 presentation Part 2 presentation Part 3 presentation Part 4 presentation
20230223 Presentation material for CPD Seminar delivered by Raymond Wong about “Demolition for extremely challenging and complex civil and building structures” organized by HKICW & ICWCI(HK)
Demolition general, 2023
Demolition special projects, 2023
20230223 Presentation material for CPD Seminar delivered by Raymond Wong about “Construction of extremely Large-size and Complex Underground Structures” organized by HKICW&CI
* Construct underground structure-sim
* Underground structure, Guangzhou cases
20221115 Presentation material for CPD Seminar delivered by Raymond Wong about “Building Construction & Building Services integration, 機電設施在樓宇施工時與承建商的工作配合” Presentation PDF
20220903 Presentation material for Webinar talk delivered by Raymond Wong about “國內具代表性的城市改造例案, Exemplary cases of Urban Regeneration in China”
20220912 – Webinar titled “An Overall Review of Kai Tai Development since its Handing Over after 1998 up till 2010” organized by HKICW & ICWCI Full set of presentation material (total in 7 parts)
20210915 Presentation material for a Short Course (Webinar Series) run by Raymond Wong about “Advanced Construction Technology and other representing China Developments”
Webinar Poster CPD P-3-final
1. Building & Construction Technology Series
- Construction of Large-scale & Complex Basement/Underground Structures, Explain Top-down Basement Construction
- Prefabrication Construction for Building & Civil works
- Construction of Super High-rise Composite Structures
- Advanced Formwork Systems for Building & Civil Works
- Practical Aspects of Construction & Site Safety
- Demolition within Urban Environment
2. Civil Technology Series
- Review the Design & Construction of HK recent Railway Projects
- Review the Design & Construction of HK recent Highway Projects
- Review the Design & Construction of HK major Bridges, Introduction about Bridge Construction
- Review HK major Marine & Coastal Engineering Projects
- Major Projects with Large-scale Site Formation & Slope Works
- Tunneling Technology, recent representing HK cases
- Representing China Environment Regeneration Projects – The West Bund along Huang Pu River of Shanghai
- Representing China Environment Regeneration Projects – The North Bund along Huang Pu River of Shanghai
3. Project Case-Studies Series
- Detail Report on the Construction of the Route 8 Project
- Detail Report on the Construction of the Central-Wanchai Bypass Project
- Detail Report on the Construction of HK Express Rail Project
- Detail Report on the Construction of the Shatin-Central Link Project
- Report on recent Mega Projects in China (including cases in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai & Chongqing)
4. Heritage Studies Series
- Understand the meaning of Heritage, its application & local situation
- Conservation of Heritage, China Practices & Representing Cases, Projects in Shanghai
- Conservation of Heritage, International Practices & Representing Cases
- Heritage in Asian Colonialized Countries
Presentation material for ISHP seminar – What we can learn about safety from Mega Projects
Presentation material, Part 1
Presentation material, Part 2
Presentation material for 2019 世界經濟特區(深圳)論壇 about “A brief review of Shenzhen through the urban development process & transform herself into an advanced international city” (13 December 2019)
20191217, the file
Presentation material for HKICW seminar about “ An overview of some representing Construction projects in China with a focus on the work planning, site set-up & common technology used” (17 August 2019)
Presentation material for AIB seminar about “Construction of Large-size Building Projects with the Involvement of Complicated Slope and Ground Works”
Sharing session on 1 April 2019 for the Research Centre for Sustainable Hong Kong (CSHK) after a Research/Study Visit to Cambodia
20190401 Cambodia sharing Presentation, sim
Seminar on 25 March 2019 for HKIE (Environmental Division) about “River Regeneration, China Cases”
- An overall review of various river regeneration cases in China river regeneration, overall
- The case of Shanghai West Bank reformation West Bank Reformation
- The case of Shanghai North Bank reformation North bank Reformation
2019年3月2日嶺南大學「中國大運河」歷史考察遊,為參加的老師所作的遊前講座 • 20190312 京杭大運河介紹
2019年1月15日為重慶大學通信工程學院介紹有關香港城市建设的规划框架和发展 (包括智慧城市概念)
Seminar on 15 December 2018 for HKIE (Civil) about HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge and Express Rail
20181214 HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Part 1 HK-ZH-Ma Link, part 1
20181214 HK-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, Part 2 HK-ZH-Ma Link, part 2
20181214 HK Express Rail Link, Part 1 XRL, Construction update, 2018, Pt 1
20181214 HK Express Rail Link, Part 2 XRL, Construction update, 2018, Pt 2
Seminar on 28 November 2018 for Antai College (economic & Management), Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Seminar on 28 November 2018 for
香港过去30年在大型基础建设方面的规划理念及成果 HK development since 90s, Nov 18
Seminar on 19 November 2018 – Experience Sharing on Construction Technology and Practices in Mainland China
20181119 China projects, part 1
20181119 China projects, part 2
Seminar on 12 & 26 October 2018 – Introduction about various types of Temporary Works/Falsework and its implication on work planning and cost (presentation for HKICM “Professional Practice in Construction Management” Training Course Series)
Seminar on 30 August 2018 – 認識維港與兩岸建設所構成的城市內涵 Understanding of the Harbour and Waterfront of HK in an Urban & Environmental Prospective
• Seminar presentation, part 1 — HK Harbor & City Env, Aug 18, Pt 1 [Compatibility Mode]
• Seminar presentation, part 2 — HK Harbor & City Env, Aug 18, Pt 2 [Compatibility Mode]
Seminar on 5 June 2018 – General Construction Safety with special emphasis on Temporary Works
Seminar on 31 May 2018 – a Tale of 3 Cities, Review of Contemporary Construction Practice and Safety in HK, China and UK
• Presentation material 1a, GZ;
• Presentation material 1b, SH
• Presentation material 1c, other cities
• Presentation material 2, London
• Presentation material 3, HK;
IET Technical Seminar, 7 May 2018 — A review on Infrastructural Development in Hong Kong since 2000
Technical Seminar, A review on Infrastructural Development in Hong Kong after WW2 up to the 1990s
HK Infrastructure development up to 60s
Seminar for Env. Division, AMC and YMC of HKIE about River Regeneration
20171201, Overall presentation, river regen
Seminar for Society of Registered Safety Officers on 27 September 2016
Special Site Reality for Construction Works and How it Related to Safety
Seminar for Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation
Construction highlight of Route 8
Construction highlight of Central-Wanchai Bypass
二○一六年六月份王煒文中國文化國情論壇 – 自明末以來從西方人眼中所見的中國建築特徵
中國發展論壇之 – 近十年間在中國興辦的現代佛教建設的建築特徵
HKIE Seminar : A review of the evolution of construction technology and practices of Hong Kon from 1950s up till present 香港自50年代至今,建築在傳統、行業結構、制度與技術的轉變
Engineers Australia HK Chapter (EAHK) Seminar
A review of HK’s highway construction since 1990s
Talk for Technical Training Program
Construction Planning for Large-Scale works, final [Compatibility Mode]
HKIE Seminar : Construction of large-size and complex buildings using steel and composite design, Hong Kong and China cases
Talk on HKICM & AIB on Construction of large-size and complicated basement
An updated visual summarize about the construction of Chow Tai Fook Tower, Guangzhou
Construction of a Semi-Buried Building – A Super-sized Shopping Mall : The Festival Walk
Redevelopment of the Lee Tung Street
Seminar for HKIE Geotechnical Division on Large-scale rock cuttings
Review of recent building and civil works that involved large‐scale slope or rock cuttings
CIOB Seminar : Revitalization cases in Europe and China Cities
1. Revitalization cases in Europe
2. Revitalization cases in Shanghai, overall
3. Revitalization cases in Shanghai, the North Bund
4. Revitalization cases in Shanghai, the Sinan Mansion
5. Revitalization & Creativity industry in China
6. Repair historic building by other engineering means
Talk for HKICW on Demolition cases, 15 April 2014
Demolition Practices – an Review of Recent Project Cases (Demolition within Urban Environment)