Hong Kong Sustainable Issues
◊ Policies and examples for preservation and revitalization of historical buildings in Hong Kong
• Policy-preserve, revitalize Hist bldg, HK
◊ Kai Tak Development
◊ Planning Strategies in keeping the urban quality of Hong Kong (Brief Elaboration), 20181121
• Keeping the Urban Quality of Hong Kong
Hong Kong Roofscape
Existing Land Use Condition of Kai Tak
The Harbour and Waterfront of Hong Kong
Magnificence of the city of Hong Kong
Understanding HK from selected Photos
Examples of Graded Historic Buildings listed under the Antiquities and…
Hong Kong Harbor – Promenade
Hong Kong Harbor – Coastal Highway
Hong Kong Harbor – Other Oversea Harbor Cities
Redeveloping Old Districts – General
Redeveloping Old Districts – Major Projects
回歸後香港社會發展多面睇 – 有關香港社會/基礎建設
1. 戰後香港的基建成就- 背景資料
2. 戰後香港的基建成就- 關鍵建設
3. 戰後香港的基建成就- 十大基建
土地及基礎建設 — 土木工程拓展署
港口及海事工程服務 — 土木工程拓展署
岩土工程服務 — 土木工程拓展署
環境及可持續發展服務 — 土木工程拓展署
促城市規劃以行人為本 建設世界級樂活步行城市
香港便覽-城市規劃 2012
Airport Core Project in 1990s
[Last update: 20170308]